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1U 19" Studio Rack Blank

 1U 19" Studio Rack Blank – powder-coated steel ..

$5.00 $5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00

4ms Pod20 Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$99.00 Ex Tax: $99.00

4ms Pod26 Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$109.00 Ex Tax: $109.00

4ms Pod32 Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$119.00 Ex Tax: $119.00

4ms Pod34X Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$135.00 Ex Tax: $135.00

4ms Pod40X Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms Pod series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in ..

$145.00 Ex Tax: $145.00

4ms Pod48X Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$155.00 Ex Tax: $155.00

4ms Pod60 Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms POD series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in Euror..

$175.00 Ex Tax: $175.00

4ms POD64X Powered Eurorack Case

The 4ms Pod series Eurorack modular synthesizer cases each come with a built-in ..

$195.00 Ex Tax: $195.00

BareBones DIY Eurorack Synthesizer Cases (SMT)

 BareBones DIY CaseNew from Providence Synthesizer! Start your Eurorack ..

Priced from
$35.00 to $199.00 Ex Tax: $35.00

BareBones DIY Eurorack Synthesizer Cases (Thru-Hole)

 BareBones Thru-Hole DIY CaseNew from Providence Synthesizer! Start your..

Priced from
$35.00 to $209.00 Ex Tax: $35.00

Blacet PSCONN3 Power Distribution Board

Blacet PSCONN3 Power Distribution BoardThis is the companion power distribution board for the PS..

Priced from
$39.00 to $59.00 Ex Tax: $0.00

Blacet Rak-3 Powered Case for FRAC-RAK Modular Synthesizer

 Blacet Rak-3 Powered CaseUpdated for 2024 and beyond. 6U high (2 rows) - Frac..

Priced from
$289.00 to $389.00 Ex Tax: $0.00

Clee 4U Boat + Distro PCB

 The Clee 4U Boat + Distro PCB is a must-have case for DIY builders and modular synthesizer..

Priced from
$25.00 to $155.00 Ex Tax: $109.00

Cubitz DIY Eurorack Synthesizer Cases (DIY Kits)

 Cubitz diy eurorack synthesizer case kits make it easy and fun to create or expand your eu..

Priced from
$19.99 to $254.00 Ex Tax: $99.00

Erica Synths mki x es.EDU Enclosure

 Eurorack DIY Case for mki x es.EDU System The mki x project takes you ..

$129.00 Ex Tax: $129.00

L-1 Eurorack Aluminum Case (Powered)

 l-1 eurorack aluminum case, poweredModules not included Full anodized ..

$799.00 Ex Tax: $799.00

Mangoest 4U 'Tiny Boat' Powered Cases

 Mangoest 4U 'Tiny Boat' Powered CasesFun little boats to start or add to your ..

Priced from
$16.00 to $389.00 Ex Tax: $109.00

MFOS Alien Screamer Enclosure

 MFOS Alien Screamer Enclosure 3D printed case for the MFOS Alien Screamer noi..

Price : $35.00 Ex Tax: $35.00

MFOS Noise Toaster Enclosure, Aluminum

 Custom enclosure for Ray’s Wilson’s Noise Toaster tabletop synth designed by s..

$39.00 Ex Tax: $39.00

Monorocket DOTCOM/MU Case (Black Tolex STG Powered)

 Monorocket DOTCOM/MU case black tolex STG powered, assembled ..

$799.00 Ex Tax: $799.00

MOTM Studio Case 10U (2 Row)

 Solid Wood MOTM Studio Case 10U, 2 row sizeOur bespoke wood studio r..

$599.00 Ex Tax: $599.00