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NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (Black Magpie)

 NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (Black Magpie Version) This is a VC panner, VC cross-..

Priced from
$20.00 to $52.00 Ex Tax: $20.00

NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (White Magpie)

 NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (White Magpie Version) This is a VC panner, VC cross-..

Priced from
$20.00 to $52.00 Ex Tax: $20.00

NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (White NLC)

 NLC1001 Segue Pan XFadr (PCB + Panel) nonlinear circuits segue pan xfadr, pcb..

Priced from
$20.00 to $40.00 Ex Tax: $20.00

Stroh Modular 291 Dual VCF w/Fadex

 full kit to build the j3rk dual 291 vcf inspired by buchla/verbos. includes all p..

Priced from
$30.00 to $319.00 Ex Tax: $30.00

Stroh Modular Fadex (MOTM)

  j3rk 'fadex' crossfade/pan circuitthe panel is professionally manufa..

Priced from
$50.00 to $139.00 Ex Tax: $50.00

Stroh Modular Fadex (PCB)

 latest release of the j3rk crossfade/pan pcbnow includes power header pads for bo..

$22.00 Ex Tax: $22.00

Stroh Modular Fadex + (Frac DIY)

 from stroh modular, a series of frac-rack format modules for synth DIYthis is the fade..

Priced from
$60.00 to $179.00 Ex Tax: $60.00

Stroh Modular J3RK FAD3R 4HP

 Stroh Modular J3RK FADR, euro 4hp (fadex pcb) stroh modular fadereuro pan..

Priced from
$15.00 to $79.00 Ex Tax: $15.00

Stroh Modular J3rk Pan/Fade (MOTM DIY)

this is the full kit to build the stroh modular pan/fade vca in motm formatthe panel is 1u wide ..

$115.00 Ex Tax: $115.00

Stroh Modular Ultrafade VCO 4U LW 4" Version

  stroh modular ultrafade vcopcb by stroh modularpanel by loudest warning ..

Priced from
$25.00 to $65.00 Ex Tax: $35.00

Zlob Skew Fade LFO

 Zlob Skew Fade LFOThe Skew-Fade LFO is a 3hp all analog low frequency oscillator capab..

Priced from
$20.00 to $80.00 Ex Tax: $20.00