AI Synthesis AI004 OTA VCF (Black)

AI Synthesis AI004 OTA VCF


AI Synthesis AI004 OTA VCF

The AI Synthesis AI004 OTA VC Filter is a loving tribute to the MS-20 Filter.

This OTA Voltage Controlled Filter uses the same filter structure as the venerable Korg MS 20 Filter. The filter is switchable between Lowpass and Hi Pass modes, and features an updated diode gain stage in the resonance section. This circuit was adapted by Sagittronics, who does excellent work.

The VCF will overdrive and distort in both the HP and LP modes, and the resonance can self-oscillation. As with the MS 20 Filter, the Low Pass slope is 12dB/octave and the High Pass slope is 6dB/octave. The CV input is an attenuverter, allowing for dynamic control-voltage of the cutoff.

All jacks, knobs, and other components are soldered directly to the PCB. There is no wiring, making this kit ideal for those who have built a simple module before, and are looking for a high quality, legendary filter in an easy to build package.

We recommend this kit as the third or fourth module you build. It is easy, and can be built in a single sitting. If it works, you are ready to build other modules.

The Eurorack DIY synth kit for the AI Synthesis OTA Filter contains everything you need to build your analog DIY synthesizer module:

  • High Quality 3.5 mm Jacks
  • A PCB
  • A Eurorack Aluminum Panel
  • High quality Alpha Potentiometers
  • Mounting Screws and Power Cable
  • All components required to build the OTA Multimode VCF.
Module Parameters
Current Draw15 mA +12V 15 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
Panel Size8HP

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  • from $15.00 TO $160.00
  • Ex Tax: $15.00

Available Options

Factory Assembled, New
In stock / $160.00
Available : 3
Factory Kit
In stock / $84.00
Available : 2
panel+pcb set
Out of Stock - $30.00
Out of Stock - $15.00

Tags: ai synthesis, diy, eurorack, kits, module, ota, vc, filter ai004, (black), select, parts, maker, ai004blkmstr