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"Brazil Nutz" PIO Capacitors

Made in Brazil, all 600 volts. For amp repairs, guitar tone, pedals. ..

Price : $2.95 Ex Tax: $2.95

Gudeman .05 mf. 150V PIO

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$1.50 Ex Tax: $1.50

Gudeman PIO .01 mf.

Scarce, super-high-quality U.S.-made PIO for wah pedals and tone stacks!..

$1.50 Ex Tax: $1.50

NYT PIO .01 µF. 600V 5%

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$1.35 Ex Tax: $1.35

Sprague PIO Guitar Tone Caps

A rare find, a one-time surplus purchase. We know that they are Sprague because the labelling surviv..

Price : $1.75 Ex Tax: $1.75