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IC RC4136N

Obsolete Op-amp used in many Craig Anderton designs ..

$2.99 Ex Tax: $2.99

IC SSM2166 - SBE Reissue

Analog Devices compressor-on-a-chip. The through-hole part went out-of-production many years ago, so..

$7.50 Ex Tax: $7.50

IC TA7136P

Repair or clone a BOSS DS-1..

Price : $0.29 Ex Tax: $2.00


Charge pump IC by Microchip Technologies. Get a higher voltage or negative voltage from a battery su..

$1.50 Ex Tax: $1.50


Low noise, externally compensated op-amp. Clone/repair/mod a ProCoRat!..

$2.25 Ex Tax: $2.25

IC V2164D

Coolaudio clone of the SSM2164 Quad VCA..

$4.95 Ex Tax: $4.95

IC V4220M

Coolaudio 24-Bit Stereo Codec on surface-mount IC, complement to V1000..

$2.95 Ex Tax: $2.95

IC XR4151

Voltage-to-Frequency Converter..

$1.45 Ex Tax: $1.45


20 seconds of record and playback on a 28-pin DIP, for custom loopers ..

$12.50 Ex Tax: $12.50

JRC4558D Op Amp

Made by the same company, New Japan Radio (NJR), that made the original chips. Most knowledgeable re..

$1.99 Ex Tax: $1.99

LM741EH Op Amp CAN

The classic op-amp, NOS National Semi in 8-pin metal can. For the MXR Distortion + and others. ..

$4.95 Ex Tax: $4.95

M51134P Suboctave Gen IC

Mitsubishi sub-octave generator used in the DOD Meatbox. ..

$6.99 Ex Tax: $6.99

MIDI Pulse IC MV-61

Outputs Line 6™ MIDI tempo data that is synchronized to an incoming MIDI Clock. Specifications, data..

$12.50 Ex Tax: $12.50

MN3007 XVive Audio BBD IC DIP-8

1,024-stage BBD for the Small Clone and other choruses/flangers ..

$14.99 Ex Tax: $14.99

MN3009 XVive Audio

Re-issue of the 256-stage BBD. ..

$10.50 Ex Tax: $10.50