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CA3086 Transistor Array Intersil RCA

 CA3086 Transistor Array Intersil DIP-14 ICNOSFrom Music From Outer Space backstock..

$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00

CA3140E Op Amp IC

2 pcs2Intersil CA3140EZ, DIP4.5MHz, BiMOS Operational Amplifier withMOSFET Input/Bipola..

$1.99 Ex Tax: $1.99

CA3280E OTA IC (2 pcs)

 CA3280E OTA IC Are you in need of a CA3280 replacement? You’ve come to ..

$22.00 Ex Tax: $22.00

CD4001BE Logic Gates CMOS Quad 2-In

 CD4001BE Logic Gates CMOS Quad 2-InDIP-14Tube contains 25 ICs  ..

Priced from
$0.48 to $6.20 Ex Tax: $0.48


 Texas Instruments CD4034BE + 24 pin IC socketCMOS 8-Stage Static Bidirectional Paralle..

$8.99 Ex Tax: $8.99

CD4044BCN Latch NAND R/S Quad 3ST On Semiconductor NOS IC

 CD4044BCN LATCH NAND R/S QUAD 3ST On Semiconductor NOS ICMusic From Outer Space Back S..

$5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00

CD40XX Series Texas Instruments Thru-Hole ICs

 texas instruments cd40xx series thru-hole icscommonly used thru-hole TI ICs for modula..

Price : $0.55 Ex Tax: $0.55

CEM3340 REV G VCO IC by OnChip Systems

 The Curtis CEM3340 VCO has been reissued by Curtis Electromusic. Note the Rev G in th..

$16.00 Ex Tax: $16.00

DIY Flashed ARM Microprocessors

 DIY Flashed ARM MicroprocessorsWe are now pleased to offer a number of synth DIY micro..

Priced from
$25.00 to $50.00 Ex Tax: $20.00

Electric Druid Synth and Pedal ICs

 Electric Druid started long, long ago, when founder Tom Wiltshire began building fuzzboxes..

Priced from
$4.99 to $14.95 Ex Tax: $4.99

Erica Synths DIY Rare Parts

 Building one of erica synths awesome diy modules? We have a limited supply of rare parts f..

Priced from
$5.60 to $8.99 Ex Tax: $5.99

LF444CN Quad Lo Pwr JFET Op-Amp

 LF444CN quad lo pwr jfet op amptube contains 25 ICsDIP-14 case  ..

Priced from
$1.58 to $27.00 Ex Tax: $1.58

LTC1063 IC (2 pcs)

Linear Technology LTC1063 - DC Accurate, Clock-Tunable 5th Order Butterworth Lowpass Filter2 pc..

$16.00 Ex Tax: $16.00

MC14035B 4-Bit Parallel InOut Shift Reg CMOS Motorola NOS

 MC14035B 4-Bit Parallel InOut Shift Reg CMOS Motorola NOS MFOS From Outer Space B..

$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00

MC33079PG Quad Op Amp IC

 MC33079PG Quad Op Amp IC NOS and/or tested pulls.  ..

Price : $3.99 Ex Tax: $3.99

Mill-Max IC Sockets, Machined Pin Type

 machined ic sockets, mill-maxhighest quality, genuine mill-max parts lowe..

Price : $0.79 Ex Tax: $0.79

MN3005 BBD IC Xvive 14-pin DIP

 from xvive, long awaited re-make of the classic MN3005 bucket brigade delay8 pins in a..

$23.99 Ex Tax: $23.99

MN3005 Bucket Brigade Delay (BBD) Analog IC - Original NOS/Pulls

 Tested, original manufacturer MN3005 BBD analog delay IC. These are the real deal!Some..

$49.00 Ex Tax: $49.00

NTE888M IC-Low Power Prog Op-Amp

 NTE888M IC-Low Power Prog Op-Amp The NTE888M is an operational amplifier in a..

$2.49 Ex Tax: $2.49

Open Music Labs BA662 OTA Clone

 Open Music Labs BA662 OTA Clone“They just don’t make IC’s like they ..

$12.49 Ex Tax: $12.49

SN74JHC4040NSR 12-Bit ASynch Binary Counter

 The ’HC4040 devices are 12-stage asynchronous binary counters, with the outputs of a..

$1.15 Ex Tax: $1.15