Synthcube "Modular Synthesis Techniques" Course
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Interested in learning about modular synthesis techniques? Synthcube is proud to offer the “Modular Synthesis Techniques” Course.
Taught by Donnie Martin, sound synthesist, music technologist, electronic music composer/performer and Music Adjunct Faculty at NYU Steinhardt.
The Modular Synthesis Techniques course consists of 4 classes and a final performance. Family and friends are invited to the final performance.
Classes will be held on Saturday afternoons and will consist of 2 hours lecture/instruction, and demonstration followed by 1 hour of goal-oriented lab time.
Topics include:
Class 1: The Basics of Patching and Synthesis
- Basic Parameters of Sound
- Sound Waves
- Basic Frequency Concepts
- Basic Amplitude Concepts: Everything Is Voltage!
- Basic Signal Mixing
- Basic Timbre Concepts
Class 2: Movement
- Wave Shaping
- Basic CV Concepts
- Useful Utilities (Not Just For CV)
Class 3: Modulation
- Control Rate Modulation
- Audio Rate Modulation
- Advanced Amplitude Concepts
- Advanced Timbre Concepts
- Percussion Synthesis
Class 4: Advanced Concepts
- Advanced CV Concepts
- Samplers in Modular
- FX in Modular
- Sound Synthesis in Psychoacoustics
- Composition & Performance
Students should bring:
- Laptop with VCV Rack installed (for taking notes and practicing concepts
- Headphones
Cost of the full course is $399
Individual classes can be purchased for $129.